The Korean Economic Forum
ISSN 2005-8608 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6159 (Online)
- 4 한국경제의 현안과 대응 방안 김인준(서울대학교)Year 2009Vol. 2No. 1
- 3 The Role of Financial Innovations in the Current Global Financial Crisis Yoon-shik Park (George Washington University)Year 2009Vol. 2No. 1
- 2 정책 논단: 기술·경제환경 변화에 대응한 새로운 금융감독 과제 최수현(금융감독원)Year 2004Vol. 7No. 2
- 1 Towards Good Corporate Governance: The Role of Market Incentives and Government Policy Jihong Lee (Seoul National University)