The Korean Journal of Economic Studies
ISSN 1226-377X (Print)
ISSN 2713-6175 (Online)
- 180 한국소득분포의 불균등도에 관한 연구 최호진/윤기중Year 1975Vol. 23No. 1
- 179 경제학연구 창간호 이래 총목차 Year 1974Vol. 22No. 1
- 178 회원명단 Year 1974Vol. 22No. 1
- 177 휘보 Year 1974Vol. 22No. 1
- 176 KEA News : Economic Integration Year 1974Vol. 22No. 1
- 175 Die Rolle Des Nationalokonomen als politischer Berater und die Werturteilsproblematik 홍문신Year 1974Vol. 22No. 1
- 174 The Marginal Efficiency of Capital and the Aggregate Investment Demand Schedule 오관치Year 1974Vol. 22No. 1
- 173 Public Investment Decisions in Water Resource Development 김봉구Year 1974Vol. 22No. 1
- 172 The Competitive Market Hypothesis and the Movement of Interindustry Wage Structure in Korea 김황조Year 1974Vol. 22No. 1
- 171 A Competitive Interregional Model - A Partial Static Study in Mainland Australia Hong K. SohnYear 1974Vol. 22No. 1