The Korean Economic Forum
ISSN 2005-8608 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6159 (Online)
- 288 Using Big Data as a Source of Economic Statistics Hyejung Moon (Bank of Korea)Year 2019Vol. 11No. 4
- 287 News Year 2019Vol. 11No. 4
- 286 Principle of Innovative Growth and Start-up Finance --Econ 101 of Innovative Growth and Effective Ecosystem for Start-up Finance-- Chong Ook Rhee (Seoul Women’s University), Chi Seung Song (Wonkwang University) and Sang-Joon Kim (Ewha Womans University)Year 2018Vol. 11No. 3
- 285 A Study for Improvement of IP Financing to Support Innovative Firms Gemma Lee (Kyung Hee University)Year 2018Vol. 11No. 3
- 284 Moon Jae-in Government's Financial Policy and Future Tasks Jae-Joon Han (Inha University)Year 2018Vol. 11No. 3
- 283 Financial Stability Implication of FinTech: FinTech Development in Korea and the Assessment of its Financial Stability Risks Junghwan Mok (The Bank of Korea)Year 2018Vol. 11No. 3
- 282 News Year 2018Vol. 11No. 3
- 281 How to Reform the Korean Economy Jaymin Lee (Yonsei University)Year 2018Vol. 11No. 2
- 280 Korean Inclusive Growth: Its Measurement and Relationship with Policy Variables Won-Kyu Kim (KIET) and Sung Wook Hong (KIET)Year 2018Vol. 11No. 2
- 279 New Growth Engine and Inclusive Growth in the 4th Industrial Revolution Hee-Su Kim KT Economics and Management Research Institute)Year 2018Vol. 11No. 2