The Korean Economic Forum
ISSN 2005-8608 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6159 (Online)
- 394 The Effects of Changes in the Local Economic and Housing Market on Small and Medium Enterprise Loans Han Ik Jang (IBK Economic Research Institute) and Kwang Hae Won (Busan Techno Park)Year 2024Vol. 16No. 4
- 393 Alfred Marshall and Hakhyun Byun, Hyungyoon Jisoon Lee (Seoul National University)Year 2024Vol. 16No. 4
- 392 News Year 2024Vol. 16No. 4
- 391 Regional Diffusion and Structural Changes in Apartment Price Fluctuations Hongjai Rhee (Ajou University)Year 2023Vol. 16No. 3
- 390 Natural Experiments on the Wage Differentials between Standard and Nonstandard Work Jong In Yoon (Baekseok University)Year 2023Vol. 16No. 3
- 389 Who Has Published Papers in MDPI Journals?: Analysis on the Research Performance of Korean University Professors in 2018-2020 Kigon Nam (Hanbat National University) and Jung Her, Eunhwa Kwon, Myeongjin Kim, Eunju Lim, Hyejin Jung (National Research Foundation)Year 2023Vol. 16No. 3
- 388 News Year 2023Vol. 16No. 3
- 387 Functional Income Distribution in Korea: Labor Productivity, Wages, and Labor Income Share Nak Nyeon Kim (Dongguk University)Year 2023Vol. 16No. 2
- 386 The Effects of the Female Ratio in Industries on Wages Youngbin Seo (University of Seoul) and Heonjae Song (University of Seoul)Year 2023Vol. 16No. 2
- 385 Are the Lending Behaviors of State-Owned Banks Different from Those of Private Banks? Jong-won Yoon (Korea Institute of Finance), Byunghee Seong (IBK Economic Research Institute) and Jeong-hoon Choi (IBK Economic Research Institute)Year 2023Vol. 16No. 2